Rom-coms aren't usually my cup of tea, but I can happily make an exception for one from the 1950s that features Doris Day as well as fabulously gorgeous set decoration. 1950s and 60s design rocks my world, and although Doris Day's apartment in Pillow Talk (1959) is a little frou-frou for my tastes, I still adore the pastel colours and oversized lamps.

Love the hanging pendants...and a view of Manhattan can never be beat.
How I love abstract oil paintings. I can't resist buying them and have about five at home waiting to hang...just need to find more walls...

I have a bit of a thing for grasscloth walls.
Pink and purple - probably two of my least favourite colours, and yet they work so well with lemon yellow. I think the key is to not fear the colour clash - embrace it and let it take over every white surface.

Who can resist pastel colours and sixties split-screen?

So that's this week's decor obsession. Do these retro 50s digs turn you on or off?